Thursday, August 27, 2020

Proposal Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Proposition Assignment - Essay Example Where lunch is given, the partners do little to guarantee that the eating regimen is sound. For this situation, understudies wind up getting nourishment for food where adjusted eating regimen isn't underlined. Accordingly, understudies perform ineffectively in their tests since they are not beneficial enough to assimilate training work because of ailing health and absence of focus because of conditions coming about because of terrible eating routine. In this way, there is a requirement for the standard partners in the training area at the region level to guarantee that sound snacks are given to understudies no matter what. The Problem Most schools don't offer solid lunch suppers to understudies and this influences their fixation in class just as their exhibition. As indicated by Jan Sheehan (2011: 2) an even eating regimen is urgent for any small kid or young person. This is fundamental considering of the elevated ability to burn calories required by their developing bodies. The exam ination further delineates that the cerebrum grows quicker and at a high rate at the more youthful age when contrasted with more established age. Thusly, inadequacy of some food parts, for example, omega 3 unsaturated fat prompt rest consequently absence of focus in class and other every day exercises. Besides, omega 3 unsaturated fat decreases conduct issues that meddle with fixation in more seasoned children. The exploration further demonstrates that admission of iron inadequate food opens the kid to weariness and absence of focus, consequently, the youngster is instigated to rest or portion in class. In addition, poor dietary patterns, for example, eating a lot of sugar and fats prompts vitality plunges. Such suppers will prompt moderate readiness in light of the fact that the blood streams to the stomach from the mind organs. A similar impact is likewise a high factor of kid corpulence among different illnesses. These are a portion of the issues that can emerge when kids don't g et sound eating routine and particularly lunch dinners. It is in this manner, noteworthy to watch the medical issues joined to the referenced unfortunate eating routine. Because of terrible eating routine lack of healthy sustenance turns into an issue since it influences the instructive area as entirety. For example, inadequately took care of youngsters are inclined to illnesses henceforth prompting high death rate or early school drop-outs. Understudies who don't get sound methods are less propelled and perform inadequately in class. Accordingly, a ton of cash is squandered providing food for doctor's visit expenses in addition to numerous different issues. The Solution or Plan without a doubt a sound adjusted eating regimen is the one that comprises every crucial part in general. Proteins are imperative for working out, nutrients help in battling infections, and starches then again give vitality to the bodies. Note that each supper should comprise of the named parts, on the off ch ance that they will be of help particularly for understudies. The distinguished issue will be unraveled by benefiting the fair eating regimen ordinarily to the understudies at a helpful time during their lunch suppers as it is controlled by the school. The accompanying estimates will be taken in the readiness of the lunch supper; 1. There will be nutritionist to exhortation on the segments of diet to be remembered for the dinners 2. The nutritionist will guarantee that available and moderate eating routine is joined to stay away from the significant expense of activity 3. The lunch means will fluctuate consistently to serve understudies with an assortment of feast dishes 4. Lousy nourishment will be maintained a strategic distance from and suppers will establish of bunches of organic products, vegetables and entire dinners which are

Saturday, August 22, 2020

First Across The Rhine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

First Across The Rhine - Essay Example A great deal of activity stuffed, strategic, militarily vital, and brave stories fill war films. Once in a while are the real undertakings and aptitudes of non-warriors were included. This paper will attempt to introduce the jobs of specialists and their group during the war utilizing for the most part the book by Col David E. Pergin and war author Eric Hammel (1994) First Across the Rhine: The 291st Engineer Combat Battalion in France. The prompt difficulties during their arrival in the combat area were: grave reservations of the standard in the association as off-the-rack engineer battle legion unavoidable battle misfortunes that could expel key individuals with basic aptitudes or one of a kind preparing from the positions (Pergrin and Hammel, 1989, 17). To address this quick concerns, Pergrin’s arrangement was to broadly educate however many officials and troops as could be allowed in whatever time was left. He noticed that, â€Å"The preparing orders built up least, not g reatest, principles (Pergrin and Hammel, 1989, 17). ... After the broadly educating, each individual from the crew was a certified: Rifleman for .30-gauge M2 carbines for NCOs and .30-bore M1 Garand rifles To work the squad’s .30 bore assault rifle and bazooka (2.35 inch rocket launcher) To lay, recognize, and clear mines To work pieces of machinery, dump trucks, cutting apparatuses, picks, scoops, jackhammers and different devices Read maps (a large portion of them). In the interim, Pergin likewise guaranteed that the crew head and his right hand had the option to utilize radio and field phone gear; conveyed manuals on the three fundamental kinds of scaffolds with which they expected to work †Bailey, timber trestle, and barge; utilize appropriate battle engineer strategies to stop or defer adversary (Pergrin and Hammel, 1989, 19). Each line detachment was furnished with: Bulldozer, weapons bearer, 4-ton man-pulling truck with a .50 gauge assault rifle, various 2 and ? ton dump trucks for pulling gear and material, own engine pool set up by mechanics accused of keeping up all the haggled hardware and vehicles, weapons sergeant and gracefully sergeant as regulators of little area of experts. Pergin noticed that the primary object was â€Å"to spare lives in the fight territories by utilizing the numerous aptitudes and the products of their thorough training,† (Pergin and Hammel, 1989, 27). Coming up next were exemplified and practiced by the colleagues: Stress little unit tasks utilizing battle building gear; Facilitate development of tanks on the side of the assaulting infantry; Clear mines quickly; Police and watch the region up to the front to give essential data to the chiefs up the levels of leadership. Every one of their errands were led through procedures as follows: 1. driven the paratroopers through the

Friday, August 21, 2020

3 Business Technology Practices That Will Save Your Soul

3 Business Technology Practices That Will Save Your Soul Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!3 Business Technology Practices That Will Save Your SoulUpdated On 21/06/2015Author : Brooke SamsoniteTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogYou’ve seen the difference between a company that incorporates Technology well and a company that scrambles and flails and, by the end of things, begs technology to work for them.Think of it like this: You’ve watched Sunday morning religious leaders scream and cry and beg. Square block, triangular hole. You’ve also watched religious leaders deliver concrete, useful, enlightening messages about living betterâ€"pragmatic approaches that resonate. Your technology use should resonate with your Business model. Here are three technology practices that can help.1. Focus On Your IdeasLet other tools and ideas complement.One of the easiest ways to lose sight of your business goals is by dis traction. You stress about bills, staff, revenue,technology. Sure, stress about the things you can’t control if you have to. But don’t allow technology to become a stress point.Write down the top three goals for your business on a piece of paper. Pin this to your wall. Tape it to your desk. Whenever you’re confronted with a technology choiceâ€"new software, updates, a proposed system changeâ€"evaluate that choice with those three goals in mind.How much strainwould the implementation put on any one of those goals?Good technology should further streamline your business model. It should encourage communication between your team, your partners. It should make life easier.2. Quality Over QuantityThen integrate.Your parents said this and your grandparents said it before them (probably without the “integrate” part). Do one thing great before you do anything else. With technology, the same thing applies.Microsoft’s SharePoint is a good example of a system that allows you to do o ne thing well before moving on to other tenets and projects. Capabilities like Sites, Communities, Content and Insights allow you to incorporate more features as your company grows. Read what the team members ofRackspace Services for SharePointhave to say.READWise Tips for Making the Most of Video Streaming for BusinessBefore you make a try to implement new technologies, spend time researching to know if the technology will be able to grow at the rate your business is growing.3. Collaborate, Collaborate, CollaborateAnd the IT gods will bless you.Take a look at the way Microsoft and Rackspace have teamed up to provide service and advice for businesses implementing SharePoint. Take a look at the capabilities SharePoint offers topromotecollaborative platforms. You should be able to share documents and projects with colleagues seamlessly.You’ve come this far because you paid attention to others. As your team grows and you form partnerships, make sure your technology changes with house collaboration. That doesn’t just mean a acquiring a business email system. Contacts alone won’t save you. Your technology and IT services should accommodate accessibilityâ€"new hires and less-tech-savvy members of your team should be able to integrate their projects seamlessly within the technological schema.Encourageopen communication and collaborationon your projects via streamlined platforms and assure that your technology use is working for you. We all enjoy a good, clear message.This article is written by Brooke Samsonite. She (@brookesamsonite) is a twenty-something who is inspired by Lifestyle Entertainment, Home Décor /Home Improvement, Travel, Business, and writing. Having only recently spread her always-fashionable wings and started freelance writing, Brooke loves to blog (over Belts BanglesandCooks Travel Books) about her extensive experiences and offer valuable resources to inspire others. If you wish to write for HBB, kindly check this.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Spectrum Disorder Early Childhood - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1991 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/13 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Childhood Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disability, and it can be detected during the early childhood years. The autism umbrella is a wide range of complex conditions that affects abilities of verbal and non-verbal communication, social interaction, and repetitive or restrictive behaviors. Its extremely difficult to generalize about autism; children with ASD can vary in severity of symptoms, and those may be different from another. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Spectrum Disorder Early Childhood" essay for you Create order For this reason, autism is considered a spectrum of disorders. The symptoms may also combine in a unique way for each child, thereby producing different sets of problems or difficulties among children with ASD (Min). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in 2014 that about 1% of the world population has autism spectrum disorder. In United States, more than 3.5 million people live with autism. During 2018, one of 59 children were born with this disorder, and it is contrasting with the statistic of one in 150 children from 2000. According to the CDC, the average age diagnosis is 4-5 years, but a reliable autism diagnosis can be made as early as 18-24 months, and thats why early detection is so critical, even though research shows that most parents have no knowledge about autism symptoms. There is no known cause for ASD, but its prevalence rate is on the rise (ADDM Network). These results suggest the importance of generate awareness, so parents know what to look for if they think their child has autism. Some signs and symptoms that a child with ASD may exhibit include: Difficulty in expressing needs, engages in odd ritualistic movements such as rocking, laughs or cries or shows distress for reasons not apparent to others, temper tantrums, prefers to be alone, difficulty in mixing with other children or adults, unable to relate to others in socially appropriate ways, not responsive to normal teaching methods, not responsive to verbal cues/acts as if deaf although hearing tests are in the normal range, sustained play and special interest with certain toys or objects, over-sensitive or under-sensitive to pain, noticeable physical over-activity or extreme under-activity, and uneven gross/fine motor skill development. (Min) In the United States, its been estimated the total costs per year for children with ASD to be between $11.5 billion â€Å" $60.9 billion. This represents a mixture of direct and indirect costs of special education and medical care. Children of all ages with ASD had average medical expenditures that exceeded those without ASD by $4,110â€Å"$6,200 per year (ADDM Network). This is an average of 4.1 6.2 times greater than for those without ASD. In 2005, the average annual medical costs for Medicaid-enrolled children with ASD were $10,709 per child (ADDM Network), which represent about six times higher than the costs for children without ASD. Finally, but not less important, the cost of intensive behavioral interventions for children with ASD was $40,000 to $60,000 per child per year (ADDM Network). A study from The United States Department of Health revealed that cases of autism have increased 500% over the past five years, although the causes of autism have remained ambiguous. Genetically predisposed children are encountering a neurologically toxic environmental trigger that disables them and disconnects them from the world (Matson and Boisjoli). Those triggers could include heavy metal, pesticides, viral, parasite, and bacterial-induced toxicity. In another report presented at a recent national autism association conference in the United States, Dr. Bryan Jepson (author of Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians), states that 80,000 chemicals have been introduced into the global environment in the last 20 years, none of which have been tested for neurological toxicity (Matson and Boisjoli). This time of exposure coincides with the snowball effect period of this autism epidemic. Also, it is projected that within a decade the tendency will be as high as 1 in 22 people. One encouraging sign that increasing awareness of the trigger effect may be starting to make a difference is that children who were first diagnosed in or after 2008 in the USA were more likely to have milder autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than those diagnosed in or before 2007 (Matson and Boisjoli). While autism was once a condition that was rarely discussed in public, now we find information everywhere: on television, radio, and internet. There are a largely amount of autism organizations in United States; however, in New Jersey, only few of them are exceptional. Since 2002, Bergens Promise, Inc. is a recognized 501(3)(c) private non-profit organization in assisting and supporting to families with youth ages of 5 to 21. They provide a comprehensive, individualized wraparound service planning through a team process; that covers behavioral, emotional, and mental health challenges, substance use issues and developmental disabilities. This non-profit organization has worked with over 4,000 youth and their families. They proudly stated: our many successful graduations are the agencys most significant accomplishments (Bergens Promise). Bergens Promise is the designated Care Management Organization (CMO) for Bergen County as part of The NJ Department of Children and families, Childrens System of Care (CSOC). The Wraparound Model of Care is a new point of reference in helping families to deal with complicated emotional and behavioral issues. This model could be successful by creating a plan to achieve the familys long-term vision of success, where involving the youth and family in the decision-making process is primordial. Together as a team, families are facing the adversity with a focus on strengths, not deficits. Other family members, friends and community supports closest to the family get involved to offer guidance and support. In-home and community-based resources are used to address the most important needs (Bergens Promise). The success of this model has Bergens Promise mission as its foundation: The goal of the organization is to keep ?Healthy Families, Safe at Home. Bergens Promise will provide exceptional care management services to keep youth and families physically and emotionally safe. (Bergens Promise) And inspired by its vision statement: Our services will be built on the familys strengths and delivered through a strong, coordinated network of community-based providers. We will strive to provide the highest quality of care that will produce the most positive results for the youth and families we serve. (Bergens Promise) Like any other organization, Bergens Promise faces many challenges: finding a service provider qualified to provide Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services can be a complicated task; an organization that provides ABA therapy will have a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), a Board Certified Associate Behavior Analyst (BCaBA), and a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) providing direct or indirect services to children. There is a lot of sites that provide therapy under the philosophy of ABA, but they are not certified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). The therapist who design the plan must hold a masters degree in Applied Behavior Analysis; if the therapist has a masters degree in Social Work, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, or in any other field the therapist has not received specific training to provide ABA services. But this task could be even more difficult when these services must be covered by Medicaid, and it represents the 81% of the budget. The CSOC covers the 14%. And only the 5% must be through alternative funding sources (Ramirez). Non-profit organization are performing a noble cause and for me thinking in volunteering would be a great opportunity to give back. My family has been working with Bergens Promise for about six years. My daughter, Ayleen, was diagnosed of Autism at the age of two and currently is one of their clients. The first step was contact Melissa Ramirez, her Care Manager in Bergens Promise, and we were talking about the possibility of sharing our experiences to other parents, encourage them to advocate for their children, and make them understand how important they are in this journey through recovery. We identify together that parents played a critical role in their children success. While therapist often focus on what the child cant do, parents could bring out the best in their children; however, something that started as a good idea, days later, was completely dissolved in one brief sentence for Melissas boss: this will be conflict of interest since your daughter is one of our clients, what unexpected refusal (strike one). A couple weeks later, I heard about an opportunity of volunteering in a Compassionate Behavioral Health Program in New Bridge Medical Center, so I decided to go to speak Susan Burkhardt, Manager of Volunteer Services, and she informed me about all requirements needed: background check, drug test, medical exam, vaccination, training, and 60 hours commitment; impossible to achieve for now (strike Two). I didnt realize that doing my ten hours of service wont be easy, but honestly, I dont have to go church to pray God; same as volunteering, it could be anywhere. Our contribution is to help other parents to face this challenge by providing information, sharing personal experiences, or offering practical ideas to alleviate any stress related to parenting children with ASD. Its not an easy road that we are traveling to recovery, however, it also has rewards our daughter really helped us to appreciate the little things in life more than we did before. We must be honest with the families that are coming to our house, we always emphasize our role as parents is not easy, but the results are incredibly beautiful. My wife and I still remember that day when our daughter was diagnosed with severe Autism. We still remember the nurse telling us hopefully, when she turns 40 you dont need to still be wiping her bottom after using the toilet. We still remember crying every day for more than four years. We still remember knocking at the churchs door at 2:00am asking God for several times: why God? Why? (Its ok to having those feeling). Despite all, well never forget the first time when she looked into our eyes. Well never forget her first word. Well never forget her first kiss without prompting (expressing feelings for real). This is about being patient and put your faith in God. We tell all the parents both side of the story: the good and the bad. We explained to parents that early intervention is the key and seeking professional help is highly recommended. Therapy doesnt end after the therapist leaves the house; parents job is meant to be a 24/7 therapist. Also, their diet must be as healthy as possible, no junk food at all. Repeating concepts and anticipating events are primordial; my wife took two hours every day in the bathroom for two years to teach her the colors, shapes, and the alphabet. My daughter left the pampers at the age of four (not forty). Now she is going to an inclusion class, reading small chapter books, and solving problems of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We met several parents; from those that are highly concerned to others that just give up after listening how we get rid of the pampers: first, we need to monitor and create a chart with intervals of twenty or thirty minutes, then observe whether our child is wet or dry. Based on the information from the chart, we need to plan a schedule. Its also important to set up the bathroom free of distractions, explain the routine to the child, create a picture or visual chart, and always provide a positive feedback on each accomplish. Then the intervals will be gradually increased until eliminate the pampers at all. Conclusion Most parents think that toilet training during the day is so hard, but what about the schedule during the night, or what about now that my ten years old daughter has been training about her puberty; we covered topics like hygiene, cramps, blood, and even menopause. We bought menstrual pads and food coloring (red,) and due to her sensory issues, we decided to practice by placing the wet pad in her underwear for about 10 minutes. Her face denoted discomfort, and she couldnt hold it by telling my wife: Mom, I want to be in menopause. Yes, this is she. And its been more than nine years of service.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Perl String lc() Function

Starting out with a new programming language can be challenging. Learning the functions is one way to go about it. The Perl string lc() function and uc() function are two basic functions that are easy to understand—they convert a string to all lowercase or all uppercase respectively. Perl  String lc() Function The  Perl  lc()  function takes a string, makes the entire thing lowercase and then returns the new string. For example: #!/usr/bin/perl $orig_string This Test Is Capitalized; $changed_string lc(  $orig_string ); print The Resulting String is: $changed_string\n; When executed, this code yields: The Resulting String is: this test is capitalized First, $orig_string is set to a value—in this case, This Test Is Capitalized. Then the lc() function is run on $orig_string. The lc() function takes the entire string $orig_string and converts it to its lowercase equivalent  and prints it out as instructed. Perl  String uc() Function As you might expect, Perls uc() function converts a string to all uppercase characters in the same manner. Just substitute uc for lc in the example above, as shown: #!/usr/bin/perl $orig_string This Test Is Capitalized; $changed_string uc(  $orig_string ); print The  Resulting String is: $changed_string\n; When executed, this code yields: The Resulting String is: THIS TEST IS CAPITALIZED About Perl Perl is a feature-rich programming language that was originally developed for use with text. It is cross-platform and runs on more than 100 platforms. Perl works with HTML and other markup languages, so it is frequently used in web development.  Check out the Perl string length function to do more with strings.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Animal Rights is a Cause for Vegetarianism

Animal Rights - Cause for Vegetarianism The choice of eating meat or not has been a debated issue for a continued number of years. There have long since been two sides: the proponents and opponents of meat consumption. More and more debates of its value and effect on the world have risen. Many claim it is wrong, while others think of it as a needed pleasure. Today, a greater percentage of the population eats meat. Only a few individuals seek the alternative route. Yet, there has been a steady rise in the number of vegetarians. Many may already know that religions all over the world have advocated a meat-free diet. While a few are lenient, the majority is steady. The reason a vegetarian diet has been preferred over meat dates back†¦show more content†¦Take for example this quote from the Srimad Bhagavatam 1.7.37, quot;A cruel and wretched person who maintains his existence at the cost of others lives deserves to be killed for his own eternal well-being, otherwise he will go down by his own actions.quot; There are many more such quotes from scriptures all over the world. Yet nowadays, there is just the opposite of vegetarianism in compliance of these ancient texts. quot;Although meat-eating has been denied to the human form by God and his sons and daughters of the past, people still adopt the process.quot; Such are the statements of devout followers who adhere to a meat-free diet in accordance to scriptural texts. Those who advocate vegetarianism profess that many people are weak of heart and so succumb to meat eating. While those who advocate a meat-oriented diet say that a meat diet is essential for a normal and healthy life, for they provide protein. [The Dutch chemist, Gerrit Jari Mulder, in his experiments, has proved in 1838, that protein is biologically essential, for every living creature needs a certain amount to survive. This fact about protein is due to the presence of amino acids, the building blocksquot; of life.] While it is true that animals provide essential protein for the human body, scientific reports have provided additional information that may seem to support a vegetarian viewpoint. In his Book quot;Diet for Transcendencequot;, Steven Rosen states from other sourcesShow MoreRelatedVegetarianism Philosophy Essay900 Words   |  4 PagesVegetarianism is a custom practiced in six out of the seven continents and has become more popular over the years. Vegetarianism can be defined as the exclusion of animal products such as meat and fish from one’s diet. 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As a vegan myself, I have developed core arguments andRead MoreAgainst Meat, By Jonathon Safran Foer925 Words   |  4 PagesTimes Magazine) is intended to educate current non-vegetarians on what vegetarianism is, the benefits of it in terms of health and animal rights, and also the struggles of consistently being a vegetarian. Although Foer does not specifically express what a vegetarian is we can assume h e is going off the generally known definition of a person who does not consume the meat of an animal, as oppose to a vegan who does not consume any animal products at all. According to an article about vegetarian AmericansRead MoreThe Best Decision Anyone Can Make1426 Words   |  6 Pagesbe best for their body systems, or even just the persons beliefs or religion. Two common choices of food are vegetarianism or a high protein diet. Carnivores eat meat, while vegetarians substitute that protein for something better. 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The history of vegetarianism goes back to 2,500 years, some ancient civilizations depended on a vegetarian diet because meat was not available (Vegetarianism). In India vegetarianism remains today as an ethical issue as well as a part of the Hindu religion. Today in the United States, there is a reverent percentage of the population are firmly vegetarianRead MoreBenefits Of Veganism And Vegetarianism726 Words   |  3 Pagesand Vegetarianism Veganism and vegetarianism are widespread trends that have been gaining attention rapidly all around the world. For some people, they are only a diet. On the other hand, for others, they are a lifestyle. Veganism and Vegetarianism are both diverse diets that can affect the human body and environment in different ways. Veganism is a lifestyle that excludes any use of animal products, such as meats, dairy, leather, etc. The main purpose of veganism is to not support animal exploitationRead MoreThe Feminist Theory Of Animal Studies924 Words   |  4 Pagesconcerned with a broad range of issues and topics for discussion. Taking this into consideration, animal studies is a new and edgy field, especially in the context of feminist theory. The general findings of this paper include patriarchal establishments, and speciesism as an institution of oppression influencing and interconnected with sexism. However, this literature review will not explore the connections of animal studies within queer theory due to insufficient research, though the connections among homophobia

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Compare/Contrast Toddlers and Teenagers free essay sample

This paper will compare/contrast toddlers and teenagers. If you do not have kids, then you will most likely not understand the correlation between the two. When most people think of toddlers, they think of potty training, toys galore, and dirty little hands. And when most people think of teenagers, they think of loud music, messy rooms, and attitudes. But there are many similarities between these two that a lot of people would not think of because the differences are so big. First, I will discuss how toddlers and teenagers are the same. The most obvious similarity between the two is the need for independence. Toddlers want to do EVERYTHING by themselves. It does not matter what it is†¦the most common phrase among toddlers is â€Å"I do it†. They will only accept help as a last resort. Teenagers also want to do things on their own. They want to go out by themselves to prove that they are growing up. The independence for both of them is the same though because they want to prove something. The growth during both of these stages is very important too. Toddlers are learning how to do all kinds of new things so that they can be more independent. Teenagers are learning how to be more adult. They are both going through a â€Å"growth spurt† at these ages, trying to come into their own and be their own person. Another similarity between toddlers and teenagers is that they push boundaries with authority. Toddlers are known for the word â€Å"no†. They must be told repetitively about something, yet they will still push to see how far they can go. This is the way toddlers learn. Teenagers also use the word â€Å"no† a lot because they feel superior to everything and everyone. They push boundaries as well but they know the consequences. They both have selective hearing, and choose to hear what they want. If they hear something they do not like, they both will throw a tantrum. Both toddlers and teenagers have a tendency to throw tantrums no matter where you are. Toddlers will throw themselves on the floor while kicking and screaming, while teenagers will run screaming and crying to their rooms where they then throw themselves on their bed. Not that different! In either circumstance, you would think the world was coming to an end! Also, toddlers and teenagers are both very messy. Toddlers are messy in everything they do. They have messy rooms with toys everywhere, nd when they eat they usually have food in places you did not know was possible. Teenagers have messy rooms filled with clothes on the floor and dishes everywhere. It doesn’t matter which one it is, it is impossible to have a clean house with one around! Sleep schedules in toddlers and teenagers are also the same. Toddlers do not want to go to bed bec ause they are afraid they will miss out on something fun, while teenagers want to stay up and watch TV and talk on the phone. Either way, mom and dad are the ones that suffer in the morning! And last, sibling rivalry is a similarity between toddlers and teenagers. Toddlers will fight over toys and mom amp; dad’s attention, while teenagers will fight over the phone or remote, as well as mom amp; dad’s attention. Both toddlers and teenagers need as much guidance from their parents as possible. You want to help guide them in the right direction so that they will make good decisions in life. So all in all, both toddlers and teenagers will drive you absolutely crazy! They will make you want to pull your hair out, but you will never love another person the way you love them and vice versa. Now, I will discuss how toddlers and teenagers are different. The differences between the two are pretty obvious. Toddlers are most definitely cuter, but teenagers are stronger. Toddlers have a love to please their parents, while some teenagers do the exact opposite of what their parents want. Toddlers want to hold their mommy in public, but teenagers want mom as far away as possible! They both love to drive, but the difference is that toddlers can only pretend. After one of the many tantrums, toddlers go to time-out for five minutes and teenagers get grounded for five days. These tantrums usually stem from toddlers not getting what they want and teenagers not liking what they got. Aside from the obvious differences such as size and age, there seems to be a lot more similarities than differences. I can’t really say if I like one more than the other because they are kids. They have so many similarities that it is hard to tell them apart at times! I have a two and a half year old and she is definitely going through her independence phase. Toddlers have a way of making you feel better when you are sad. They still want you to love on them and show that you are proud of them. Teenagers are the same way. They may not say that they want you to love on them, but they do. All kids want you to love them. They may not all want it in public though! I honestly think that almost everyone should experience having kids at least once in their life. Kids change everything. I never thought I would have my first child at the age of 30, but she has been the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I am looking forward to the teenage years! I believe as long as you have patience, you can handle toddlers and teenagers. But you have to have patience!! I hope you enjoyed reading my compare/contrast essay between toddlers and teenagers. I enjoyed writing it!