Thursday, December 26, 2019

Even-Toed Hoofed Mammals - Artiodactyla

Even-toed hoofed mammals (Artiodactyla), also known as cloven-hoofed mammals or artiodactyls, are a group  mammals whose feet are structured such that their weight is carried by their third and fourth toes. This distinguishes them from the odd-toed hoofed mammals, whose weight is borne primarily by their third toe alone.  The artiodactyls include animals such as cattle, goats, deer, sheep, antelope, camels, llamas, pigs, hippopotamuses, and many others. There are about 225 species of even-toed hoofed mammals alive today. The Size of Artiodactyls Artiodactyls range in size from the mouse deer (or chevrotains) of Southeast Asia that are barely bigger than a rabbit, to the giant hippopotamus, which weighs some three tons. Giraffes, which are not so heavy as the giant hippopotamus, are indeed large in another way—what they lack in bulk they make up for in height, with some species reaching as much as 18 feet tall. Social Structure Varies Social structure varies among artiodactyls. Some species, such as water deer of Southeast Asia, lead relatively solitary lives and only seek company during mating season. Other species, such as wildebeest, cape buffalo and American bison, form large herds. Widespread Group of Mammals Artiodactyls are a widespread group of mammals. They have colonized every continent except Antarctica (although it should be noted humans introduced artiodactyls to Australia and New Zealand). Artiodactyls live in a variety of habitats including forests, deserts, grasslands, savannas, tundra, and mountains. How  Artiodactyls Adapt The artiodactyls that inhabit open grasslands and savannas have evolved several key adaptations for life in those environments. Such adaptations include long legs (which enable swift running), keen eyesight, a good sense of smell and acute hearing. Together, these adaptations enable them to detect and evade predators with great success. Growing Large Horns or Antlers Many even-toed hoofed mammals grow large horns or antlers. Their horns or antlers are used most often when members of the same species come into conflict. Often, males use their horns when fighting each other to establish dominance during the mating season. Plant-Based Diet Most members of this order are herbivorous (that is, they consume a plant-based diet). Some artiodactyls have three- or four-chambered stomach which enables them to digest cellulose from the plant matter they eat with great efficiency. Pigs and peccaries have an omnivorous diet and this is reflected in the physiology of their stomach which has only one chamber. Classification Even-toed hoofed mammals are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Chordates Vertebrates Tetrapods Amniotes Mammals Even-toed hoofed mammals Even-toed hoofed mammals are divided into the following taxonomic groups: Camels and llamas (Camelidae)Pigs and hogs (Suidae)Peccaries (Tayassuidae)Hippopotamuses (Hippopotamidae)Chevrotains (Tragulidae)Pronghorn (Antilocapridae)Giraffe and okapi (Giraffidae)Deer (Cervidae)Musk deer (Moschidae)Cattle, goats, sheep, and antelope (Bovidae) Evolution The first even-toed hoofed mammals appeared about 54 million years ago, during the early Eocene. They are thought to have evolved from the condylarths, a group of extinct placental mammals that lived during the Cretaceous and Paleocene. The oldest known artiodactyl is Diacodexis, a creature that was about the size of a modern-day mouse deer. The three main groups of even-toed hoofed mammals arose by about 46 million years ago. At that time, even-toed hoofed mammals were by far outnumbered by their cousins the odd-toed hoofed mammals. Even-toed hoofed mammals survived on the fringes, in habitats that offered only hard-to-digest plant foods. That was when even-toed hoofed mammals became well-adapted herbivores and this dietary shift paved the way for their later diversification. About 15 million years ago, during the Miocene, the climate changed and grasslands became the dominant habitat in many regions. Even-toed hoofed mammals, with their complex stomachs, were poised to take advantage of this shift in food availability and soon surpassed the odd-toed hoofed mammals in number and diversity.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

•Identify And Evaluate Key Result Areas (Kras) And Key

†¢ Identify and Evaluate Key Result Areas (KRAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and assessment tools and techniques. Key Result Area’s Key Performance Indicators Assessment Tools Techniques Consumer Satisfaction †¢ Customer retention rate †¢ Customer referral rate †¢ Conversion rate †¢ Average resolution time †¢ Number of resolutions †¢ Number of repeat orders/ purchases. †¢ Numbers of new orders. †¢ Number of returns. †¢ On time deliveries. †¢ Re-occurring issue numbers. Customer Record Management – Track performance data of interactions with customers. Record assessment tool outcomes against customer profiles to ascertain satisfaction levels. Product Management †¢ Hours spent on production †¢ Actual cost vs projected †¢ Outcomes achieved vs†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Analyse performance report and variances for KRAs from the data provided in the case study. Include sales, profit and losses, delivery, business growth and design manufacturing. Key Result Area Expected Actual Variance Sales $10.5b $6.5b (-) $4b Profit Loss $17b $10b (-) $7b Delivery 74% 66% (-) 8% Business Growth 66% 66% - Design manufacturing 11 16 (+) 5 †¢ What were ongoing trends and opportunities as per the case study? Why did Alpha electronics fail? Discuss the companies SWOT analysis. Ongoing trends and opportunities Consistently over the last 2 decades, modern society has become more dependent upon mobile connectivity as a means of not only communication, but also as a means of conducting business and the operation of essential services. This has had the result in an explosion of growth in the personal communication sector, providing personal devices for individuals as a means of communication and outward connectivity. Personal mobile device ownership levels are at their highest in history and they continue to grow. As technology evolves and hardware and software improves, consumers have developed a willingness to spend to upgrade to ensure they are on the latest versions of hardware. Further to this business needs for mobile connectivity have also exponentially grown over the last 15-20 years, with a growing trend of businesses moving towards flexible and agile solutions for staff to workShow MoreRelatedTASK 1 Case Study MICI Done4147 Words   |  17 PagesAND OBJECTIVE 3. Describe the key systems and processes used by AC Gilbert: a. Supply chain b. Operational systems c. Product/service delivery. 4. Analyze the three key systems and processes and develop the elements of your review strategy: applying your knowledge of quality management and continuous improvement theory, develop performance and sustainability measures, assessment tools and techniques that you would use to evaluate the effectiveness of the three key systems and processes. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Articles Related The Information Governanceâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Articles Related The Information Governance? Answer: Introduction Information governance is a structure to direct a control the enterprise for achieving the enterprises aims and goals. It also adds value while balancing the risk and return over information and its process. It has multiple dimensions with an ultimate objective to handle information in confidential and secure manner (Kooper, Maes and Lindgreen 2011). The articles that are compared in the essay are based on information auditing and the work will be carried out by analyzing, comparing and criticizing the articles. A conclusion is provided at the end of the essay summarizing the key point that has been discussed. Analysis Both the article under study focuses on the IT Governance Audit. It helps in evaluating the companys strategic and operational alignment with its business strategy to ensure the companys goals measuring the performance and transparently reporting the results. The articles are Authors Guide to IT auditing, + Software Demo and Network Security Auditing. In the first article (Cascarino 2012), the author clarifies the auditors job by stating that it is their job to if the system is functioning properly with accordance to the intention with integrity, accuracy and completeness. First, the relation of Audit is established with technology. The author found it critical for IT and Audit have a lingual transparency and the importance for the auditor to have a proper understanding of technological jargon. Where and what is two essential question the auditor should resolve before starting the auditing process for which Control Strategy Assessment, Unit Performance reporting, Performance Quality Assessment, Control Adequacy and Effectiveness and Follow Up is necessary. In short, the IT Audit should be leveled with ISACA standard. The responsibility of IT auditing also lays in the development and implementation of a risk-based IT Auditing strategy and objective. It should also ensure the information that is achieved is reliable, useful, relevant and sufficient. Other functions of IT auditing involves the communication of audit results to key manager and stakeholders. The IT auditing also requires and understanding the characteristic of IT auditing of other company a udit which can be typically seen in audit charter. The charters need to achieve the needs of the organization. For that, the IT audit, chief executive and the line managers should be in close proximity and work accordingly. The level of the authority to act delegated to the audit function is indicated in the charter for the operational manager (Tallon, Ramirez and Short 2013). The audit function selects the wording, content and the form which is indicated by the It audit standards. It is an independent publication. To ensure the adequacy of the security and the control of the economy of company is maintained through the It audit. Some of the methods that is useful in the case are ITSEC, ISO 9000 and TCSEC. Gathered information is also important for the auditors of the organization. It is done with the help of the audit program which are prescribed steps that an auditor has to follow for gaining the appropriate evidence. The plan is necessary for achieving the audit objectives. There are various components are included in the plan. Primarily, the objectives and the scopes need to be determined with consultation with the auditees. The finalized objective and scopes need to be sent to the clients in prior to avoid any misunderstanding. Reading of operating procedure manuals and discussions with the operating management needs to be obtained to determine the objectives. Planning of the audit report is another important task which communicates audit results which is used in communication between auditors and others in the company. Approval of the audit approach is also necessary which is approved by the auditor in-charge. Audit management includes the management of IT quality through peer reviews. It should include planning, function of the organization, staffing, business information system and many more of the organization. Integrated auditor and audit comes in action in this field where auditor is to develop an expanded auditor skill set, whereas, integrated audit is to focus the companys resources directly by providing an integrated audit product. On the second article, we find various aspects of IT governance Audit which will be discussed in the following. According to the author, the first and foremost part of governance auditing is the planning phase where the company has to determine the overall strategy (Jackson 2010). There are various steps in the process which are identification of the subject of the audit, the timeframe, determination of the scope and the objective. After determining the factors, the next most important step is the formulation of a plan. It includes the identification of the resources needed like skill and technology, organizational structure, process, data flow, determination of the person under the audit will be carried out and identification of the logistics information. The next phase is the data accumulation. After gathering the data, the auditor has to analyze the data. It is important in identifying potential risks. In the risk assessments, various methodologies are used. Control activity is the next step which recommends help mitigating risk. The important aspects of controls in COSO are operational, co mpliance and financial reporting. There are broad and cover all the issues regarding IT. Information and communication is another important part in governance which enables free flow between all aspects of the business (Smallwood 2014). ISACA or Information Systems Audit and Control Association is an integral part of security auditing. Author referred as the largest association of IT auditors. Every IT organizations should follow the standard of ISACA. It also provides Certified Information System Auditor certification of CISA and Certified Information System Manager or CISM. These institutions also provide guideline for the IT Company to provide assistance which includes standard of IS Auditing, Auditing G Auditing procedures and many more. The Standards of IS auditing includes various codes of conduct. Auditing G comprises the manual of conduct audit following the standard of IS auditing (Van Grembergen and De Haes 2017). It involves the technical security discipline of the company. Various tools are used in the process among which, Security Auditing Tools are proposed by the author. The sophistication and the power of these tools increase exponentially in each year. Identification is another aspect of security auditing where selection of control is of absolute necessity. It includes the knowledge of understanding the risks and security objectives of the company. Author opines that as it is directly associated with the technology it should address mitigating risk around process, people and technology itself. Audit checklist is another important section of governance as mentioned by the author which acts as the blueprint of the complete auditing process. To the objective of the company, it is a vital to and ensures the success of the company. The checklist covers all the aspects of audit, starting from objective, assessment method and results to improve the compliance. It is referred as the back bone of the governance of a company. The more elaborative the checklist is, the more easy it will become for governance of the company and supports other staffs to help in their evidence hunt (Bhardwaj and Rao 2015). Conclusion Both the authors in their respective books mentioned different techniques that can be adopted for IT governance. The authors primarily focused on the audit which is an integral part of the governance. All the aspect had been covered in the books, but some important ones from each are mentioned such as planning, checklist, management, It audit and security. Reference Cascarino, R.E., 2012.Auditor's Guide to IT Auditing,+ Software Demo(Vol. 583). John Wiley Sons.,+R.E.,+2012.+Auditor%27s+Guide+to+IT+Auditing,%2B+Software+Demo+(Vol.+583).+John+Wiley+%26+Sons.ots=1q7Jd5oyB0sig=o4jg7fNSeVz8_RW4kypmAFFJa_4#v=onepageqf=false Jackson, C., 2010.Network security auditing. Cisco Press.,+C.,+2010.+Network+security+auditing.+Cisco+Pressots=qy4foax_lCsig=9JFAoPdeZ658Oq01FYR537ZPU5A#v=onepageqf=false Kooper, M.N., Maes, R. and Lindgreen, E.R., 2011. On the governance of information: Introducing a new concept of governance to support the management of information.International Journal of Information Management,31(3), pp.195-200. Smallwood, R.F., 2014.Information governance: Concepts, strategies, and best practices. John Wiley Sons.,+R.F.,+2014.+Information+governance:+Concepts,+strategies,+and+best+practices.+John+Wiley+%26+Sons.ots=O5rRZlsrbzsig=p5V2FmcoGjP1CiU4edMT0pWvfSM#v=onepageqf=false Tallon, P.P., Ramirez, R.V. and Short, J.E., 2013. The information artifact in IT governance: toward a theory of information governance.Journal of Management Information Systems,30(3), pp.141-178. Van Grembergen, W. and De Haes, S., 2017, January. Introduction to IT Governance and Its Mechanisms Minitrack. InProceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Organizational Psychology Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors

Organizational Psychology Organizational psychology is vital in understanding psychological principles which form the links between research methods and human behavior in an organization. Basically, organizational psychology focuses on how individuals think about themselves and activities that affect these thoughts and feelings in an organizational environment especially during selection, perfection, and persuasion procedures.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Organizational Psychology: Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Application of organizational psychology in members of an organization facilitates advanced stages of maladaptive behaviors studies (Bass, 1990). To be able to carry out organizational psychology assessment, research and statistics are needed to understand the various behavioral patterns that exist within the scope of an organization. Consequently, organiza tional psychology theorists overtly argue that cognition alters behavior. Moreover, it is important to note that the outcomes of organizational psychology vary hugely from one organization to the other. Therefore, research and statistics will facilitate understanding of group thoughts since according to this perspective; emotional distress is assumed to result from maladaptive thoughts expressed in specific behavior patterns. Through research, it is possible to stipulate the different behaviors often associated with different thoughts patterns. Therefore, comprehensive statistics will establish the sources of such thoughts and help the assessor to understand how to tackle them through a guided self approach. The aim of statistics will be to replace the presumed distorted thoughts of life events with more adaptive and realistic appraisals in an organization (Prosci, 2007). This self guided approach is based on collaborative procedures that involve designing specific learning experien ces to teach organization on how to monitor automatic behavior; recognize the relationship between these behaviors and cognition, ways to test the validity of the relationships, and measures to apply to substitute the distorted thoughts with more realistic cognitions (Weick Quinn, 1999). Since research methods focus on the development of a range of skills that is designed to help the organization cope with a variety of life situations, it remains indispensable to the learning process of the organization in order to develop a proactive balance and to make certain that newly acquired behaviors are available when needed.Advertising Looking for report on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Organizational psychology studies group behavior within an organization. Therefore, it will emphasize behavioral rehearsal by use of wide-ranging, practical case examples to improve generalization to real life settings. In practice, esp ecially during the assessment periods, organizational psychology will identify signs that might indicate high-risk situations, and seek to employ its newly learned coping skills to address the situation at hand (Britt Jex, 2008). The same outlined procedures will be applied to both the contemplators and group membership from the indicated signs of maladaptive behavior in the organization. For individuals in the advanced stages, the procedures might also include measures to prevent relapse to the same state after assessing the psychology of the organization. These may include skills training and replace prevention approaches. Furthermore, organizational psychology employs the problem-solving therapies in practice on the groups appropriately. The approach is necessary in situations where the organization has been unable to cope with the problematic situations facing them. Considering the social and personal consequences associated with the inability to cope with the challenges, organ izational psychology carry out an assessment that can offer the most effective response if not a permanent solution. This approach may be described as a combination of both coping skills, training procedures and cognitive restructuring techniques (Britt Jex, 2008). In using the problem-solving therapy, the emphasis of organizational psychology develops broad approaches for dealing with a wide range of organizational behavior patterns. Thus, organizational psychology is the most practical tool for profiling role success and evaluation of employees through combination of personality, cognitive, and fitness skills. In addition, it endeavors to perfect the organization through leadership, coaching, and training of the talent studded pool of employees. Therefore, organizational psychology is important in persuasion in an organization. From this perspective, it is important to note that change does not just occur because it seems to be a good idea, but it occurs the moment responsible pe ople are satisfied to justify the difficulties of incorporating change. As a result, professionals are obligated to ensure change in an organization should be able to come up with strategies that will ensure that there in a need for such a change to take place instead of simplifying on the benefits expected from such changes.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Organizational Psychology: Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors Irrespective of the size of an organization, productive and counterproductive behaviors influence productivity of that organization. Besides, they form the basic building units of organizational psychology. Thus, comprehensive understanding of these opposite behavior orientation is vital towards maximizing productive behavior while minimizing counterproductive one. Productive behavior is â€Å"defined as employee behavior that contributes positively to the goals and objectives of the organization† (Britt Jex, 2008, Ch. 4). Therefore, it is factual that productive behavior is directly and positively proportional to productivity level exhibited in an organization. Generally, it promotes and encourages goal achievement within an organization. On the other hand, counterproductive behavior is â€Å"a behavior that explicitly runs counter to the goals of an organization† (Britt Jex, 2008, Ch. 6). Thus, this type of behavior limits productivity within an organization. In most cases, this unwanted behavior adopts the form of drug abuse, sexual harassment, alcoholism, employee absenteeism among other vices that are oppositely skewed towards company goals. Generally, this unwelcomed behavior is often associated with ineffective performance. In order to understand the impacts of productive and counterproductive behaviors on performance and productivity, it is necessary to establish the s cope and characteristic of each behavior module. As indicated in the above definition, productive behavior is desired in an organization since it promotes optimal productivity and is in line with the goals and set targets of the organization. It takes the form of professionalism, organization, respect, optimal performance, and discipline. Therefore, productive behavior stresses to the employee the need for an active cooperation between them and the roles assigned in the planning and execution of the set targets for the assigned roles. Specifically, productive behavior identifies a range of problem situations facing the organization in their social environment, and generates multiple alternative solutions to those problems and lays a series of procedures that are necessary to achieve desired results (Britt Jex, 2008).Advertising Looking for report on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This will be achieved through discussions and structured activities that involve hypothetical and real interpersonal problem situations designed to help teach the employees problem solving skills. In this scenario, the junior employees and those in advanced stages will require the same set of procedures to help them solve the problems. Besides, productive behavior puts emphasis on advanced maladaptive behaviors because they provide perfect scenario for understanding the situation and offer comprehensive solutions. In an organization environment, productive behavior will give the employees an opportunity to benefit from the feedback and experiences from their peers and learn anticipated obstacles in implementing the acquired skills that promote productivity (Oliver, 1980). On the other hand, counterproductive behaviors such as alcoholism, sexual harassment, absenteeism hinder productivity in an organization. When these vices are internalized within the employees, conflicts with role allocation and performance will overshadow the organization’s goals. Unlike counterproductive behavior, productive behavior examines the challenges that are posed to individuals by maladaptive thought patterns and where possible, help the individuals establish more realistic and adaptive thought patterns that positively influence productivity (Spector, 2008). To increases productive behavior, it is vital to create healthy work environment and personal growth perspectives that apply to all situations since problems that each individual faces at an interpersonal level ultimately affect the group. In carrying out an in-depth enquiry to each employee’s personal life, organizational psychologists should endeavor to determine which behavioral therapy best suits the individual. Thus, through properly designed training procedures, talent promotion, and motivation, productive behavior internalization will present that individual with the best alternative ways of solving problem s he or she faces in role execution (Feist Feist, 2006). For an organization to succeed in calculating relevant organs, departments, and channels for addressing and promoting productive behavior, there must be an all round objective working relationship with the employees. Since all the working class adults in most organizations use up half and plus of their waking hours in work place, employers are given a very unique opportunity to establish and monitor a desirable culture to improve and maintain a healthy workforce. These may be in the form of psychological, experience, value and beliefs, attitudes, and group common interests (Sinclair, 2010). Unless they take a positive attitude to embrace change and create an environment that motivated change, quantifiable change may just be a dream. Improving Organizational Performance Simulation Improving Organizational Performance Simulation Summary I was taken aback on how research, reflection, and data influence the choice of modification , adoption, and even augmentation in organizational policies on organizational psychology. In my first attempt to review the simulation procedure for identifying relevant solutions, the results were not very convincing. I believed that the problem was originating from remuneration packages offered by the firm, but this turned out not to be the case. As a matter of fact, Tesco Company has remained very successful over the years but is currently facing series of problems that are associated with management models it uses. Among these issues include redundancy, poor intra and inter personal communication, and monotony. Stated way back in the late 1890s, the company has presented itself as an equal employer with more than 20, 000 employees. However, in the recent past, a good number of disgruntled customers have registered complaint on the quality of services against their money. Besides, some employees complain of monotony and communication breakdown in service delivery. In response, t he CEO has outsourced Quality Insurers Company that specializes in organizational psychology to reverse this worrying trend. In the initial stage of arresting the situation, Quality Insurers hypothesis is that monotony and communication breakdown are the causes of dissatisfaction. As a result, they have settled on support crew, motivation, and training as intervention route. Simulation and Solutions Problem identification Reflectively, â€Å"the simulation process encompasses problem identification, data collection, and solution design† (Feist Feist, 2006, p.46). The initial step aims at quantifying the causal factors for dissatisfaction of employees. In their interactive blog, it is apparent that management is ignoring concerns raised by employees. Reflecting on Lewin’s ‘three step theory’, the unfreezing, transformation, and refreezing determine the level of performance in an organization. According to this theory, the first step involves realization th at a challenge exists in the organization. The second step involves transformation of this challenge into a development goal after which implementation step concludes by developing a solution for the challenge (Feist Feist, 2006). However, the management seems less concerned about the concerns raised by their employees. Intervention for Stunt Performers After establishing the reasons for job dissatisfaction, it is vital to conceptualize intervention modules that are intrinsic of observations and data. The company has a budget of $ 250,000 for designing intervention modules. From the many intervention mechanisms proposed by Quality Insurers, I opted for motivation, training, and self evaluation since they are positively skewed towards the outcome. The cost of these intervention modules were at $230,000 and the rating was above 70% on effectiveness scale. Stunt Consultations From the above results, the CEO has noticed the immediate need for stunt consultation. Quality Insurers have o pted for four stunt performers to pilot this project for its applicability. From the views expressed by colleagues and observation of emotional and skills levels, I opted for Warren, Michael, Nicholas, and James. The four seem mature; they get along, and are skilful. In addition, they exhibit good interpersonal communication. Reflectively, unless there is need for change from the management, such a change cannot take place in any organization. This is because individuals and organizations tend to develop resistance to any possible change. Support Crewmembers This group consists of 30% of the whole Tesco Company workforce. Their morale seems to be very low. From the Quality Insurer’s report, it is apparent that the group lack self esteem, are rigid, and have poor problem solving skills. My choice of intervention was informed by the need for improving skills through training, team work improvement, and establishing a friendly work ethics. These solutions are directly related to the aforementioned problems. Besides, I would have opined that high performers be confirmed as permanent employees as very few would benefit under this arrangement. Theory of Employee Motivation As opined by Maslow, in the hierarchy of needs theory, â€Å"primary needs are basic before tertiary needs and must be addressed in that order† (Spector, 2008, p. 36). Among the needs include safety, physical needs, love, self esteem, and room for actualization. As seen among the stunt performers, the need for actualization is the driving force for resignation. Therefore, the solution for this would be creation of a favorable room for personal development and self actualization in order to retain these talented employees at Tesco Company. Workplace Knowledge Job satisfaction is as a result of a systematic and continuous environmental and personality interaction that fosters the right attitude (Spector, 2008). Thus, allocating the right duty to the right person will help achieve this in short and long term. In Tesco Company, social and highly skilled employees should be allocated the right duties than keeping them in a secluded environment. When assigning duties, personality checks are necessary to promote self satisfaction while the same time, improve performance. In addition, periodic self evaluation and interdepartmental rotation would ensure change of environment. When properly organized, the results would present desirable performance levels. Conclusively, it is apparent that Tesco Company has been enjoying prosperous functionality, but is currently facing serious job dissatisfaction challenges. As matter of fact, the highly skilled stunt performers are performing below their optimal due to monotony and ignorance of their daily concerns. Several intervention modules have been suggested by Quality Insurers to improve on job satisfaction for the stunt performers and support crewmembers. Despite the fact that employees are meeting the first four needs as indic ated in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, the stringent need for self actualization remains underdeveloped. In order to resolve this stalemate, it is vital for the company to appreciate the need for periodic trainings, change in environment, and motivation. The intervention plan is often influenced by the nature and magnitude of the problem. Among the commonly adopted intervention plans include team building, training, structural, and individual actions assessment. After planning the intervention strategy, the plan is then implemented. The speed at which such changes can take place in an organization can also be described as either continuous or episodic. As the name suggests, continuous change in an organization is one that is ongoing and performed periodically such as offering training skills to employees. To improve on the organizational performance, the management of the organization should adopt strategies that ensure continuous acquisition of knowledge by employee s. Organizational Development The entire process of organizational development encompasses a comprehensive research action model that endeavors to identify the immediate and future requirements for change. Reflectively, â€Å"the process proceeds through assessment, planning of an intervention, implementing the intervention, gathering data to evaluate the intervention, and determining if satisfactory progress has been made or if there is need for further intervention† (Elearn, 2006, p. 89). The process commence with identification of the need to solve a particular problem after which the situation is assessed. After assessment, the problem is clearly defined and an intervention plan is hatched. The process of implementation involves collection of relevant data which is later used in authenticating intervention effectiveness (Sinclair, 2010). Several theories have been presented on organizational development. To begin with, the three step theory proposed by Lewin is vital by s uggesting â€Å"that organizational change has three steps known as unfreezing, transformation, and refreezing† (Britt Jex, 2008). According to this theory, the first step involves realization that a challenge exists in the organization. The second step involves transformation of this challenge into a development goal after which implementation step concludes by developing a solution for the challenge. Besides, the action research model theory also proposed by Lewin summarizes the process of development as involving â€Å"problem identification, hypothesis development, testing, and data analysis† (Britt Jex, 2008, p.69). Moreover, the general system theory opine that â€Å"an organization takes something from the environment and transforms it; it then is given back to the external environment altered† (Britt Jex, 2008, p. 74). In addition, organizational change theory suggested by Burke explains â€Å"how leadership, the external environment, mission and str ategy, organizational culture, and individual and organizational performance work together† (Fishbein, 1967, p.484). The conditions for success of organizational development plan include creation of a healthy working culture, structuring of communication channels, and existence of quantifiable monitoring procedures. As a result, the work environment becomes holistic, soft and socially friendly to the staff. In relation to above argument, organizations have strived to develop good culture by fostering a strong alignment on the monitored path of achieving its goals, missions and vision. References Bass, B. M. (1990). 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New York, NY: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Weick, K., Quinn, R. (1999). Organizational Change and Development. Annual Review Psychology, 50(3), 361-386. This report on Organizational Psychology: Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors was written and submitted by user Mike U. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.